In conversation with:

-Philip Daffas, CEO and Managing Director, PainChek

-Suzanne Mumford, Head of Nursing, Care & Dementia, Care UK

-Cheryl Baird, Director of Quality & Care

– Louis Holmes, Senior Policy Adviser, Care England.

PainChek, along side Care Home Professional, Care England, Orchard Care Homes and Care UK recently held a roundtable discussion surrounding levelling up dementia care through innovative technology. This session has been broken down into four key themes which will be shared as part of a mini-series for the Care Leaders Network. This is part one of four which will span the next four weeks.

Opening the session, Louis Holmes, Senior Policy Adviser for Care England highlights the need for a culture change in the sector to accelerate the drive towards the government’s target for 80 percent digitisation by 2024. He highlights the need for care providers to be involved in the process of digitising the sector and ensuring an effective set of digital standards so that all solutions on the market meet the needs of care providers, as well as the importance of giving providers the choice between the various digital solutions on the market.

The group also highlights the importance of truly integrated care systems that allow data to flow between different systems and free up more time for the care workforce by removing the need for the double handling of data and manual data recording.

When discussing her experience of digitising social care, Suzanne Mumford, Head of Nursing, Care & Dementia at Care UK, brought attention to the need for constant improvement and upgrades of digital systems. Across the ever-changing digital care landscape, there must be sufficient support given to care home to ensure their digital systems are regularly updated to remain in line with the current requirements and to ensure no digitised care provider is left behind on older legacy systems.

Closing the session, Suzanne highlights the potential that digitised care has for the care workforce, in terms of both retaining existing staff and attracting new staff – giving care providers an additional feather in their cap when it comes to tackling the ongoing workforce issues across the sector.

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